Thursday, December 2, 2010

On Blogging

Okay, this is my first blog, so please be patient with me.  Blog....what a strange word this is.  I have a dictionary here on the shelf, not really too old (well, maybe 10 years), and blog is nowhere to be found.  It must be a combination of other words, or perhaps an acronym?

If I'm going to blog (yes, blog is also a verb, as is every other word in the English language nowadays), I think I should purchase a thesaurus (not an acronym).  I should probably do a little research on this.  I like to know how things get their start.

I just realized that in the description I wrote of myself I didn't include some very important information:  I am a mother, a sister, an aunt and a grandmother.  I was the happy wife of Jerry Meyers for nearly 29 years and still miss him a lot.  He's been gone over 8 years....not just gone, though.  He died in 2002.  I am mostly retired, healthier than I deserve to be,  and am content with widowhood.  I have 3 sons.  There are long stories regarding each of these fine men.  Michael is 49, Kurt (actually my cherished stepson,) 43, and Erik, who is 33; My grandchildren are also exclusively male; all 8 of them; ranging in age from 1 1/2 to 23years.  As I said, it's complicated. Michael's sons are Michael Jr. & Alex; Kurt's boys: Jacob and Jared; Erik's 4 boys, Payton, Brady, Jackson and Blaise, are the youngest. I love them all, although I don't know Michael's sons. You don't have to know your grandkids to love them!

I can tell that I will do a great deal of rambling as I write, because that is how I think.

I'm curious, for example, how, when, where, why, and by whom the adjectives awesome and amazing came to be practically the only words folks under 30 ever use to describe something that is good.   Most people don't wonder about those kinds of things, but I do.  On any TV program, any time, (unless it is an old rerun), you will hear these 2 words used over and over and over again -- especially programs that are in "real time."  Sadly, there are few of us who ever notice such things.  I've always been fascinated by speech patterns in America.  There are so many anomalies....I'll probably mention some of them another time, but I sense your restlessness here.

I haven't always been this curious.  It's been a gradual thing with me.  It pretty much started when I first began to realize I was no longer young.  I think it was a Tuesday.  Maybe 10 or 12 years ago.  (Who cares?)

There's a lot more to be said about all of this, but I'm going to stop now because you are tired of reading my random thoughts. Visit me again. I really hope you will.

Let me close with these words, not my own, but quoting the apostle Paul in Romans 15:13....."May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is going to be good. I can tell. Or should I say... awesome!!

    Also, Dan majored in Linguistics in college. Maybe he can lend you a couple of his textbooks :-)
