Wednesday, December 29, 2010

He Knows Just Where to Cut

Today, while having coffee with special friends I remembered a wonderful experience I had a few years ago while walking my dog one early spring morning....

From quite a distance I saw a man very carefully pruning an unusual-looking tree with what looked like small scissors.  As I drew closer I spoke to him:  "What kind of tree is that?" I asked.  He answered that it was a myrtle tree.  I told him I was unfamiliar with that kind of tree.  

He warmed to my interest.  "Yes," he said, "it's a myrtle tree and they need to be pruned very carefully; you don't just hack away at them."  Apparently many folks do "hack away" at these trees, and, the groomer told me, they just don't grow properly when they aren't pruned the right way.  Then he demonstrated, after considering the growth carefully, showing me the exact place where the cutting must be done.  Snip!  "See?" he asked.  I nodded and continued on my walk after thanking him for being so careful with the trees.  

As I walked away it suddenly struck me how God is like that.  He knows just where to cut, how much to cut, and when to do it.  Jesus' words came to mind:  "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit." - John 15:1-2.

My steps quickened.  "Oh, Father, prune me!  Cut!  Cut!  Cut!  Please make me more like you, that I might bear good fruit.  Cut away everything that is not pleasing to you!"   Tears came as I prayed.  He knows just where to cut, I marveled, as I walked up the steps to my door.    

How thankful I remain for the visible illustration I saw that early morning, when I least expected it.  How like our wonderful God to show himself to us with simplicity and truth.  Today as I recall that special morning, I am reminded of how much pruning I need, and am hopeful that he will cut off all the dead stuff.  He knows how.  I trust Him....He knows just where to cut.

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