Can someone please tell me why anyone would ever put an apostrophe before the ending S of a plural noun? I see it all the time and just can't figure out what the thinking is behind it. Examples: apple's, chair's, dessert's.
I know that almost nobody gives a rip, but if someone can explain to me the reason for such strange apostrophe mis-use, I'd appreciate it; just FMI (For MY information.)
That's all I want to say here right now. Next time I'll try to write about something with a little more weight.
By the way (btw), the title of this short-but-boring post is meant as an example of what I'm writing about.
HELP! I've got to get out of this "English Teacher" mode!
IMO (In My Opinion) I think you are so cheeky Roberta! I love you and your writing! LOL